Managed S3 Storage Solution
Featuring a compliant S3 compatible API for seamless data ingress and egress, along with the intuitive Tsolo RED UI for managing user access and S3 bucket control.
This solution provides a comprehensive, cost-effective approach to outsourcing your data management.
Elevate your data storage capabilities with a Tsolo RED Managed Solution in your data centre.
Why Choose Tsolo RED Managed Solution

Managed Solution
Experience: Leverage decades of experience in building large scale storage solutions.
Reliability: Ensure your data is always available with Ceph’s fault-tolerant, self-healing storage architecture.
Support Local: Designed and built in Cape Town, South Africa.

Data Interface
S3 Compatible API: Allows seamless integration with S3 compatible client software.

User Management
Multi Tenancy: Our implementation allows easy management, provisioning and quotas for multi-tenant environments at the click of a button.
Smart Tokens: Beyond the S3 token. Easy to create time boxed access and limit S3 bucket access control.

Hardware Agnostic
Ceph: Our solution is based on the Ceph software defined storage which means it can run on commodity off the shelf hardware or on our own cost effective Tsolo RED Subrack.